The PATH – Communication Strategies for the Reconciliation Era
RECONCILIATION – a great plan or a dirty word?
So many are confused, so many are offended.
What IS reconciliation anyways? Is it even possible?
Sandi Boucher uses her personal, conversational, and comforting style to discuss this very hard subject. Known for speaking “to hearts and not minds” Sandi walks us down The PATH to reconciliation or rather the TWO paths – one for non-Indigenous Canadians and one for the Indigenous themselves.
Humorous at times, informative always, this book is meant to spark a conversation – first in your own mind, as you unpack what you were unwittingly handed and then, with that person you have wanted to build a bridge with.
Is it time for reconciliation?
Only you can answer that question, after you complete … The PATH!
It is, however, available for purchase on
To order from Amazon CLICK HERE!!
“THE PATH is actually twofold; using the metaphor of two concurrent Paths, Sandi Boucher has written a thought-provoking guide on how Reconciliation may be achieved between Indigenous and settler cultures. Both elements have lessons to learn; the book’s two sections show methods of building mutual respect and trust. It is not an easy lesson, and is best suited for those already on the Path or seeking a way towards it, although it should be required reading in Canadian schools.“
–Nancy Beiman, Professor (retired) Sheridan College
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