
Personal Self-Determination Sessions ...

Some benefit greatly from the teachings found in a group seminar but when you are ready to get real about YOUR OWN PERSONAL CHALLENGES then you need Personal Self-Determination Sessions.

Ten weeks.  Ten topics. Ten areas of your life than you can adjust and improve that will leave you feeling more IN CHARGE, more EMPOWERED and more SELF-DETERMINED THAN EVER BEFORE!


Sandi knows what it’s like …

Poverty, violence, isolation, crippling self-doubt, overwhelming helplessness – Sandi has experienced each and every one of those challenges and not only RISEN ABOUT THEM, she now USES THEM to empower herself and others on the way to the ULTIMATE GOAL – a world where we are each achieving all we desire.

Email to set up your FREE introductory session today!

How it all began

Sandi was born in 1964, the only surviving daughter of an Ojibwe woman scarred by the reality of her world and the Frenchman who saw only potential in his wife and daughter.  Through his eyes, Sandi began to believe she truly could be anything she wanted to be “if and only if she was willing to work hard enough to get it”.

But the unexpected and sudden death of her father when Sandi was only 17, sent her on a path too common for the women of today.  She set out to find validation in the hands and words of a partner, setting herself up for financial, physical, emotional and sexual abuse.

But through it all, she believed.  Silently she would remind herself that this was NOT what she was born to be – NOT a victim, NOT abandoned and NOT silenced!

Now after more than a decade as a much-loved speaker, author, activist, blogger and video host, Sandi takes joy in not only living her best life but in seeing so many she has helped do same.  Whether it is in seminar, via video, or in a heartwarming and thought-provoking blog post, Sandi consistently encourages her followers to develop an identity of strength and resilience based on their own wisdom and experience and it works!

And through it all she is a shining example, for she is a woman who has personally climbed out of a world of poverty and violence into one where happiness and success are the norm and she wants nothing less for YOU!

Stay up to date with Sandi's upcoming engagements, seminars, and her powerful teachings!

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