
A Brand New Chick

I am awake, I am alive, and it seems … I’m a brand-new chick! lol

This one needs explaining! lol

That was the song that was playing as I waited for my morning coffee to brew – Angulie’s “Brand New Chick” and as I danced around the kitchen (as my horrified and confused cat observed my behaviour), I couldn’t help smiling and thinking,

“I am! I absolutely am!”

Gone is the woman hating on an alarm clock that demanded she rise. Gone is the woman who needed caffeine to fuel her first thought.
Gone is the woman who feared what the day might hold.

Because you see, this “brand new chick” willingly woke at 6 a.m. so I could get in a workout BEFORE posting this entry. (Which, of course, has to be posted BEFORE I go off and start my day.)

(And you didn’t think I really thought of you! Tsk tsk.)

This brand-new chick kicked that workout’s TUSH so that I would be ready for whatever comes next on this life journey of mine, a chapter I welcome rather than fear.

Yes, this brand-new chick is living life MY way – Sandi’s way, in Sandi-style, with Sandi’s silliness, with Sandi’s wisdom, and with Sandi’s lightning bolt bluntness. Because I’m a brand-new chick, forged by some amazing humans, with over 50 years of experience which means of course … I’m just about at full power.

Stay tuned.

And you my friend, what are you carrying forward today? I pray you choose to put that pain down. I pray you choose to put that anger and hate down. Instead, I pray you choose to pick up the best of those who came before. Be all they couldn’t manage to be, in your style.

As the Arena Director at our powwows always says, “Dance your style!”

Always, dance your style.

I love you!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or on Amazon.ca.***