
A Simple Question

I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I have a simple question …

If you gifted someone many things over the years and they never noticed, choosing instead to list off all the things they never get, would you keep gifting?

I think like many, I would answer in the negative and that is why we need to be SO thankful that Creator doesn’t think like us.

Think about it …

You tell a friend how amazing they look and instead of a thank you, you get back a list of how old their sweater is and how their jeans just don’t look as nice as they used to and on and on and on …

Or you comment on how a friend seems to be doing well and they respond with a list of all the things that are going wrong in their life, with their health, in their neighborhood and on and on and on …

So, my friend, what are you listing and how are you feeling as a result? Me?

On this amazing morning, I am thinking …

Thank you, Creator, for this amazing day.
Thank you for this amazing home and that great mattress.
Thank you for the furball.
Thank you for my friends.
Thank you for all the opportunities that I don’t even see coming yet.
Thank you for this life.

Yep, feeling purty dang blessed as a result.

So, you choose my friend, count your trials or count your blessings but remember (as Mom would say), if you find it hard to count your blessings, well then, you best count them twice.

Meaning – If you can’t even think of your blessings, BOY do you need to remember/realize them for your sake, not anyone else’s.

Life is short. Today let us remember that any day we get is a gift not given to so many.

I love you!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or on Amazon.ca.***