
Add a Friend

I am awake, I am alive, and truth be told, I hear people complain about their Facebook newsfeed all the time and it always puzzles me when they do. I mean, do they not realize that what they see is what is being shared, spit out, or offered by those in their world?

If you don’t like their Facebook contributions, why are you okay with their daily, weekly, or monthly contributions to your life?

Now don’t get me wrong, we ALL have that family member who perhaps doesn’t spit out anything you agree with. Just remember, loving them and subjecting yourself to them are two entirely different things.

Hang with those you wish to emulate. If you wish you were as strong as that person, hang with that person. If you wish you were as dedicated as that person, regularly spend time with that person. If you want to be more successful, more outspoken, more articulate, more involved, hang with those that are!!

And before you ask how … let me be the first to say it IS possible. There was a time (okay, several times to be honest) when my circle of friends scared me. The first time I noticed, I realized I was in the midst of a circle of people doing things I wanted no part of. So, one person at a time through a natural progression, I added friends who didn’t partake in those activities and soon the people I was surrounded by changed dramatically.

Nowadays, I am surrounded by entrepreneurs and businesspeople, activists and women with strong voices and even bigger hearts. They inspire me, they motivate me, and they remind me with their presence that I have a lot to be thankful for.

So today my friend, make a move. Add one friend, someone who just through their example can help you walk in a new direction or on a whole new path. Add a friend, it is time …

I love you!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or on Amazon.ca.***