
Proud of This Work

I am awake, I am alive, and today I deliver the last of the three sessions that make up my Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training Program.

I am really proud of this work. As I progressed through the offerings, it became so much more than originally hoped. The session I believed most powerful turned out to be on par with the others. Attendance was low but in line with my teachings, those who needed to be there were there.

More will come, this I know, especially when I take it on the road.

Marketing materials will be updated to encompass all that is offered and then … into Creator’s hands it goes, to be delivered to the screens and in-boxes of those these sessions can help the most. Kinda like every offering I provide.

This chapter comes to an end. It must, so that another can start but I will savour it for a long time to come, like the memory of a great book.

-Thanks to my participants for coming out.
-Thanks to the feedback that morphed it into so much more.
-Thanks, Creator, for the inspiration.
-Thanks friends, for walking with me on this amazing journey!

I am awake! I am alive! And I am ready!

I love you!

***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or on Amazon.ca.***