
The Barriers We Choose to Defend

I am awake, I am alive, and this morning there is only one thought dancing in my head …

“We will forever be limited by the barriers we choose to defend.”

I wrote the quote years ago, out of frustration (to be honest). I had met the hundredth or so participant, yet another individual who chose to defend all the wrong things.

Me: “My Gawd! You have such a strong voice, such passion in your words. You should be a speaker!”

Participant: “Oh no, I could never do that. I have a family and my partner gets shy when I stand up and and and …”


Me: “You my friend, with your intelligence and drive, with all the personal challenges you have already overcome, you could so easily take all that and use it to become an amazing entrepreneur! You should really do that!”

Participant: “Oh no, I could never do that. I wouldn’t know where to start No one would support me. No one would buy from me. No, I couldn’t.”

And on and on and on it goes, our dreams defeated in our minds and in our words, as the internalized oppression takes hold and we accept, without question, that we were not meant to succeed.

Excuse the expression – B.S.!!

You can keep telling yourself you are so tired that chips are the only thing you have the energy to eat for dinner. You can keep telling yourself you have no time to workout (or no money or no one to do it with or or or) right up until your health lets you know it will no longer be ignored.

We can insist on defending the barriers, all the reasons why we can’t and prove them right or … we could prove them wrong.

So, stop it my friend, just stop it! Listen to what you say, to yourself and others, and quit saying I can’t. Because you can, if you want to.

Starting today, quit saying you can’t. Start believing you can or admit what you really mean is you don’t know how YET or you don’t want to put in the work. Admit you really don’t want to get healthier or more financially secure or in a deeper, more committed relationship because those require work BEFORE the pay off.

Oh, kinda like every job on the planet.


Food for thought my friend! This 50+ female just finished my 27th workout. I could never find the time during the day but first thing, before the day starts?

Yes, that is working JUST fine.

So, my friend, find a way or find an excuse. After all, the choice and the results are totally yours and always have been.

I love you!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or on Amazon.ca.***